Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000038_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 5 04:04:30 1997.msg
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From: "Garfield Benjamin" <gbenjam@sosbbs.com>
To: "AMOS MAILING LIST" <amos-list@access.digex.net>,
"Mr. Giark To You" <joehick@golden.net>
Subject: re:CBATNAM and re:AmosForPC
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 01:33:58 -0500
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> Time is passing.
Yes, seems to go faster every year...
> Space Attack - Garf, what goes on?
You really want to know?! Okay...
First, I wasted a couple days at the AF-forum where I discovered
unintelligent life...
Next, I "completed" my image-remapping module for a soon to be
released commercial BLITZ-project. Very happy to have this "done"!!
Then, I set aside some time to create a small demo on my IBMclone.
Finally, I have updated my webpages with the addition of the IBM
Clone page.
Speaking of IBMclones, somebody posted a message inquiring
about an AMOS for the PC (hmmm... Personal Computer, well that's
your Amiga as well, so you already have it!! Haha)...
If you are looking for a true conversion of AMOS then I can't help you,
but I will highly recommend DJGPP and Allegro.
DJGPP is a c/c++ compiler and Allegro is an audio/video library.
Together they make IBMclone software-development very easy.
As easy as AMOS on the Amiga, in my opinion.
I haven't seen any decent support-tools yet, but you can be assured
once I complete my part of the list-game, I will be focusing on the
creation of some fine development-tools for the DJGPP/Allegro
developer. A port of the AIG is high on the list...
You can download my first DJGPP/Allegro demo from my IBMclone
page as well as read about my experiences in IBMclone land...
Okay, Giark as far as the SideShooter, I haven't worked on it since
I submitted the last demo (SideShot6.lha), but I will get back to it
either tomorrow or Thursday. Try to have a new demo to you this
coming weekend.
> Keep working, guys.
Will do!! And you keep working on the marketing aspects. I think
this is another area where you apparently excel...
Take care,
Current projects...
Color merge/redux modules(BLITZ): 99% Complete
SideShooter(AMOS): 67% Complete
Webpages(http://www.sosbbs.com/~gbenjam): 20% Complete